Monday, July 14, 2008

The Streets with No Name in Beijing...

Everyone drives like a maniac here...

I've seen people walk on the road and have a bus right behind them honking...

People on bikes don't respect the roads or pedestrians...

I sort of have the feel of how it works here...

Street lights are for decoration...

Everyone walks, drives, rides across the street no matter what, whoever hits the intersection first has the right of way... No one looks when it comes to traffic and a red light means nothing...
Cars, bikes, scooters weave in and out from lane to lane alot of times no one uses signals I am very surpised not to see any traffic accidents or fatalities on the road but this system works!!!
I think this is where Chinese get the bad reputation of being bad drivers but with no traffic accidents because mainly I think it's because the Chinese regulate driving speeds on the roads...

Remember the video game Frogger?

People walk in front of traffic like it's no big deal... I'm now a professional at dodging traffic in the road... LOL!!!

Chinese people are not shy about using a horn and they use it often...

Bicycles are the mode of transport here... Alot of them are starting to use electric bikes and scooters but the cars out here are fairly new and there are new imported cars...

It's pouring rain outside and it's very dark... It doesn't stop people from taking out their bikes, they even wear rainjackets with their hoods on riding out on the street... They don't even look side to side they ride straight and some of them ride straight into traffic rather than with it...

It's confusing with the street signs here because it seems alot of them don't have one yet...

Beijing is hugh!!! Some of the building out here are like football fields... Alot of the local people know streets by memory of what is there rather than the names it seems because asking for instructions seems rather confusing...